US Congress Passes Historic Bill to Fortify Quad Alliance

Image of QUAD Leader's Meeting: Representatives from the USA, Australia, India, and Japan convene following the passage of historic legislation by the US Congress, strengthening the Quad alliance
US Congress Passes Historic Bill to Fortify Quad Alliance

In a significant stride towards bolstering the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), the United States House of Representatives recently approved a groundbreaking bill aimed at reinforcing strategic ties among member nations – the USA, Australia, India, and Japan.

Key Provisions:

Facilitating Parliamentary Collaboration:

  • The legislation mandates the establishment of an Intra-Parliamentary Working Group, providing a platform for regular dialogue among legislators from the four democracies. This initiative fosters political exchanges and strengthens the collective ownership of the Quad within each member nation.

Guiding Executive Strategy:

  • The bill directs the Biden Administration to deliver a comprehensive report within 180 days, outlining an action plan for enhanced governmental coordination within existing Quad frameworks while exploring new avenues for cooperation.

Initiating Diplomatic Talks:

  • The US Secretary of State is tasked with commencing discussions with partner nations within 60 days of the Act's passage, with the goal of formalizing a written agreement to establish the parliamentary group.

Enabling Congressional Oversight:

  • A 24-member congressional delegation will represent the USA in Quad meetings, shaping agendas and liaising with the House Foreign Affairs Committee through annual reviews, ensuring robust legislative supervision.

Core Policy Priorities:

  • Pandemic Preparedness: Emphasis is placed on post-COVID economic recovery, bolstering health infrastructure, and enhancing medical supply chain resilience.
  • Technological Partnerships: Collaboration in joint research, diversification of semiconductor supply chains, 5G development, cybersecurity, and talent exchange programs are prioritized.
  • Infrastructure Development: Sustainable infrastructure projects, clean energy initiatives, climate resilience efforts, and disaster relief mechanisms are integral for advancing Indo-Pacific stability.

Additionally, the US House also passed bipartisan legislation titled the ‘Promoting Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act,’ aimed at pressuring China to re-engage in negotiations with Tibetan leaders to de-escalate conflict. This act refutes China’s historical claims regarding Tibet's status and mandates active counteraction against Chinese disinformation campaigns by the US State Department.

Through these legislative measures, the United States reaffirms its commitment to fostering regional stability, promoting democratic values, and addressing pressing global challenges within the framework of the Quad alliance.

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