Cashless Care for Road Accident Victims in Chandigarh

Pilot project logo: Cashless Care for Road Accident Victims in Chandigarh
Cashless Care for Road Accident Victims in Chandigarh

The Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has launched a pilot project aimed at providing cashless treatment to victims of road crashes in Chandigarh. This initiative is designed to ensure that accident victims receive prompt medical care, particularly during the critical ‘golden hour’ after the incident.

Key Points:

  • The program will cover all road accident victims in Chandigarh, offering cashless treatment up to Rs. 1.5 lakh per person for a maximum period of seven days from the accident date.
  • Timely medical care during the golden hour is crucial for improving survival rates, as studies show a significant proportion of road accident deaths can be prevented with proper medical attention in the first hour.
  • The pilot project integrates packages for trauma and polytrauma cases offered under the Ayushman Bharat scheme, ensuring comprehensive coverage for accident victims.
  • The National Health Authority (NHA) will be the nodal agency, working closely with the Chandigarh Police, hospitals, and the State Health Agency to operationalize the scheme.
  • Expenses will be covered by the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, established under the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019, with an integrated IT platform being developed for seamless implementation.
  • This initiative marks a significant step towards improving emergency response and trauma care for road accident victims, addressing a critical need highlighted by India's high road fatality rates.

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