Diving into Global Relations: 9th Raisina Dialogue Insights

Image of Raisina Dialogue conference hall filled with delegates discussing global relations and insights from the 9th edition
Diving into Global Relations: 9th Raisina Dialogue Insights

On February 23rd, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 9th edition of the esteemed Raisina Dialogue conference in New Delhi, marking the commencement of discussions on pivotal global issues. The conference, graced by Greece Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis as the chief guest, is an annual event jointly organized by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation, serving as a significant platform for deliberations on geopolitics and geo-economics since its inception in 2016.


The overarching theme for the 2024 edition, "Chaturanga: Conflict, Contest, Cooperate, Create," encapsulates the prevailing global uncertainties and opportunities, guiding discussions over the course of three days.

Inaugural Session Highlights:

During the inaugural session chaired by Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. S Jaishankar, both Prime Minister Modi and guest Greek PM Mitsotakis delivered keynote addresses. They underscored the growing convergence between India and Greece as "civilizational states," emphasizing shared universal values and ancient roots driving modern solidarity.

Strengthening India-Greece Bonds:

Mitsotakis accentuated the deepening economic ties and mutual investments between India and Greece, advocating for enhanced defense collaboration. Discussions also revolved around plans to bolster ties in trade, defense, and migration, including the advancement of the India-Middle East Economic Corridor.

India's Global Leadership:

The Greek leader lauded India's leadership in various domains, from climate change partnerships to digital innovation on the global stage. India's role as the G20 President and its advocacy for developing countries were particularly highlighted.

Scope for Future Cooperation:

Potential areas for further collaboration between India and Greece were explored, spanning security, blue economy initiatives, infrastructure development, public health, immigration frameworks, and cultural exchange.

Participants and Perspectives:

With representation from over 100 countries, including ministers, military officials, industry leaders, academics, and media representatives, the 2024 Raisina Dialogue promises a rich tapestry of insights into ongoing global conflicts, technological advancements, healthcare accessibility, economic imperatives, and sustainability initiatives.

Observer Research Foundation (ORF):

The Observer Research Foundation, an independent global think tank based in Delhi, continues to provide invaluable inputs for policy formulation and decision-making processes in the Indian government and beyond.

Previous Edition Recap:

The preceding edition, held in March 2023, centered on themes such as Neo Insurgence, Amoral Mosiac, Chaotic Codes, Pernicious Passports, and Grey Rhinos, with the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, as the chief guest.

By fostering dialogue and collaboration, the Raisina Dialogue stands as a beacon for advancing understanding and cooperation in an ever-evolving global landscape.

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