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Arachnophobia – fear of spiders |
Phobias are genetic and environmental based. A person who have familial history of phobias is at the risk. Similarly, depression, traumatic experience, and serious medical condition can cause phobias.
Some of the phobias are listed below,
Ablutophobia – fear of bathing or cleaning
Achluophobia – fear of darkness
Acousticophobia – fear of sounds
Acrophobia – fear of heights
Aerophobia - fear of air travel
Agrizoophobia – fear of wild animals
Agyrophobia – fear of crossing the road.
Aichmophobia – fear of sharp and pointy things (needles, knives, sword etc.)
Ailurophobia – fear of cats
Americophobia - fear of American people and culture
Androphobia – fear of men
Anglophobia – fear of English people and culture
Anthophobia – fear of flowers
Apiphobia – fear of bees
Arachnophobia – fear of spiders
Astraphobia - fear of thunder and lightning
Automatonophobia – fear of inanimate objects (statues, figurines, robots etc.)
Autophobia – fear of loneliness
Aviophobia - fear of flying
Bacillophobia – fear of microbes, bacilli, infection
Bacteriophobia – fear of bacteria, infection
Ballistophobia -- fear of bullets
Bananaphobia – fear of bananas
Belomophobia – fear of needles
Batrachophobia – fear of amphibians
Bibliophobia – fear of books
Botanophobia – fear of plants
Bufonophobia – fear of toads
Buttonphobia – fear of buttons
Cacophobia, - fear of ugliness
Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia – fear of cancer
Carnophobia – fear of meat
Catoptrophobia – fear of mirrors
Centophobia -- fear of new things or ideas.
Chaetophobia – fear of hair
Chelonaphobia – fear of turtles
Chrematophobia – fear of money
Chionophobia – fear of snow
Chiroptophobia – fear of bats
Chorophobia – fear of dancing
Chromophobia -- fear of colours
Chronophobia -- fear of time
Claustrophobia – fear of a closed room
Cleptophobia or Kleptophobia – fear of theft
Climacophobia – fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs
Coitophobia or Genophobia – fear of sex
Coulrophobia – fear of clowns
Cryophobia – fear of cold
Cyberphobia – fear of computers and working on them
Cynophobia – fear of dogs
Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia – fear of prostitutes or venereal disease
Decidophobia – fear of making a decision
Dendrophobia – fear of trees
Dementophobia -- fear of insanity.
Demonophobia -- fear of demons.
Demophobia -- fear of crowd
Dentophobia – fear of dentists
Dermatophobia – fear of skin disease
Dextrophobia – fear of objects at the right side of the body
Diabetophobia – fear of diabetes
Dipsophobia – fear of drinking
Ecclesiophobia – fear of church
Electrophobia – fear of electricity and electrical appliances
Emetophobia – fear of vomitting
Enochlophobia – fear of crowds
Entomophobia or Insectophobia – fear of insects
Epistemophobia -- fear of knowledge.
Equinophobia – fear of horses
Ergophobia – fear of work
Erotophobia -- fear of sexual love
Erythrophobia - fear of blushing/smiling
Euphobia – fear of hearing good news
Europhobia – fear of Europe, European people
Febriphobia, – fear of fevers
Ferrumphobia – fear of iron, objects of iron
Francophobia -- fear of France, French people and culture.
Friggatriskaidekaphobia – fear of Friday 13
Gamophobia – fear of marriage, commitment
Galeophobia – fear of sharks
Geliophobia – fear of laughter
Genuphobia -- fear of knees.
Gephyrophobia – fear of bridges
Gerontophobia – fear of old people
Graphophobia – fear of writing
Gymnophobia – fear of nudity
Gynophobia – fear of women
Hamratophobia – fear of sin
Hadephobia – fear of hell
Hemophobia – fear of blood
Hedonophobia -- fear of feeling pleasure.
Heterophobia - fear of heterosexuality
Hodophobia -- fear of travelling
Homophobia – fear of same-sex love
Hydrophobia -- fear of water
Hylophobia – fear of trees or wood
Hypegiaphobia – fear of responsibility
Hypsiphobia -- fear of height
Iconophobia -- fear of religious work
Ipovlopsychophobia - fear of having one's own picture taken
Islamophobia – fear of Muslim people and culture
Isolophobia -- fear of being alone
Italophobia – fear of Italian people and culture
Indophobia – fear of Indian people and culture
Japanophobia -- fear of Japanese people and culture
Judeophobia -- fear of Jews
Katagelophobia -- fear of ridicule.
Kathisophobia -- fear of sitting down.
Katsaridaphobia -- fear of cockroaches
Kakorrhaphiaphobia – fear of failure
Kyphophobia -- fear of stooping.
Lachanophobia -- fear of vegetables.
Laliophobia -- fear of speaking.
Ligyrophobia -- fear of loud noises
Logophobia – fear of words
Macrophobia -- fear of long waits
Mageirocophobia -- fear of cooking
Mastigophobia - fear of beating or punishment
Musicphobia -- fear of music
Musaphobia – fear of mice
Mycrophobia -- fear of small things
Myctophobia -- fear of darkness
Myrmecophobia -- fear of ants
Mythophobia -- fear of myths or false stories
Necrophobia – fear of death and the dead
Neophobia – fear of new things
Nephobia – fear of clouds
Nomophobia – fear of losing contact with mobile phone
Nosocomephobia – fear of hospitals
Nosophobia – fear of transferring diseases
Novercaphobia -- fear of your step-mother
Nyctophobia – fear of darkness
Obesophobia -- fear of gaining weight
Ochophobia – fear of vehicles
Oikophobia – fear of home
Odynophobia – fear of pain
Ornitophobia – fear of birds
Ophidiophobia – fear of snakes
Paralipophobia – fear of neglecting duty or responsibility
Paraphobia – fear of sexual perversion
Pedophobia or Pediophobia – fear of children
Pentheraphobia – fear of mother-in-law
Peristerophobia – fear of pigeons
Pharmacophobia – fear of drugs
Phasmophobia – fear of ghosts
Phengophobia – fear of daylight
Philophobia – fear of love
Poinephobia – fear of punishment
Pogonophobia – fear of beards
Pyrophobia – fear of fire
Quadraphobia – fear of the number four
Quadriplegiphobia – fear of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriplegic
Quintaphobia – fear of the number five
Radiophobia – fear of radiation, x-rays
Ranidaphobia – fear of frogs.
Rhypophobia – fear of defecation
Rhytiphobia – fear of getting wrinkles
Rupophobia – fear of dirt
Russophobia – fear of Russian people and culture
Saravanaphobia – fear of open love to other
Scolionophobia – fear of school
Seismophobia – fear of earthquakes
Shiyamphobia – fear of fighting
Sinophobia – fear of Chinese People and Culture
Sitophobia – fear of foods
Sociophobia – fear of socializing with people
Syngenesophobia – fear of relatives
Tachophobia – fear of speed
Taphophobia or Taphephobia – fear of being buried alive
Thalassophobia – fear of sea
Thanatophobia – fear of death
Thassophobia – fear of idleness
Technophobia – fear of technology
Tocophobia – fear of childbirth
Traumatophobia – fear of injuring onesself
Transphobia – fear of transgender
Triskaidekaphobia – fear of the number 13
Trypanophobia – fear of injections
Uranophobia – fear of heaven
Urophobia – fear of urine or urinating
Vaccinophobia – fear of vaccination
Verbophobia – fear of words.
Verminophobia – fear of germs
Vestiphobia – fear of clothing
Virginitiphobia – fear of rape
Vitricophobia – fear of step-father
Walloonphobia – fear of the Walloons
Wiccaphobia – fear of witches and witchcraft
Xenoglossophobia – fear of foreign languages
Xenophobia – fear of foreign people
Zeusophobia – fear of God or gods
Zoophobia – fear of animals